As digital transformation work unfolds, many companies find cultural barriers insurmountable. Why? Because leaders often fail to strike the right balance between continuity and change, creating cultural chaos that stalls progress.

Carsten Lund Pedersen, associate professor in digital transformation at the IT University of Copenhagen in Denmark, helps organizations find that balance.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • Why many organizations suffer from identity crises during digital transformation.

  • Why leaders need to demonstrate both openness to change and respect for the existing culture.

  • How to balance change and continuity, using a matrix tool and examples from companies that succeeded with culture shifts that supported real transformation.

Webinar Sponsored by:
Carsten Lund Pedersen
Associate Professor, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Carsten Lund Pedersen is an associate professor at the IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Laurianne McLaughlin
Senior Editor, Digital, MIT Sloan Management Review
Laurianne McLaughlin is senior editor, digital, at MIT Sloan Management Review. She will moderate the session.